Episode Archive
58 episodes of Delgado Podcast since the first episode, which aired on 14 September 2020.
A Christian Transgender Journey - Austen Hartke
19 July 2022 | 29 mins 37 secs
In this week’s podcast, we're honored to learn from Austen Hartke about his journey coming out as transgender in seminary, the work he is doing right now to help transgender and gender-expansive Christians, and some encouraging words for Christians parents of transgender youth.
Exploring the Epistle to the Philippians w/ Dr. Jeannine Brown
5 July 2022 | 45 mins 24 secs
Dr. Jeannine Brown talks with us about writing her latest commentary on the "Epistle to the Philippians."
Creation Rediscovered: Finding New Meaning in an Ancient Story w/ Dr. Jeffery M. Leonard
28 June 2022 | 51 mins 44 secs
Dr. Jeffery M. Leonard talks about his book “Creation Rediscovered: Finding New Meaning in an Ancient Story,” which was written to help Christians understand the creation stories in our Hebrew Bible, while also appreciating what science tells us about our world
Disability Justice, Church Accessibility & Our Disabled God - Dr. Amy Kenny
21 June 2022 | 46 mins 32 secs
Much of the church has forgotten that we worship a disabled God whose wounds survived resurrection, says Amy Kenny. It is time for the church to start treating disabled people as full members of the body of Christ who have much more to offer than a miraculous cure narrative and to learn from their embodied experiences.
Exploring Early Christian Narratives of Heaven & Hell w/ Dr. Bart Ehrman
14 May 2022 | 42 mins 19 secs
We're grateful to learn from Dr. Bart Ehrman about his helpful new book entitled "Journeys to Heaven and Hell: Tours of the Afterlife in the Early Christian Tradition," which is published by Yale University Press. It’s a fascinating look into the ancient literature that describes descents into hell and ascents into heaven.
Exploring Gender & Islam: A Muslim Transgender Journey w/ Leyla Jagiella
18 April 2022 | 43 mins 4 secs
In this episode, we're honored to learn from Leyla Jagiella about her transgender journey as a Muslim woman – and finding belonging among the third-gender communities in South East Asia.
Ways to Help Transgender Teens Explore Their Gender & Faith - Andrew Triska, MSW & LCSW
27 March 2022 | 52 mins 48 secs
tdov, trans, transgender
Andrew Triska shares ways for parents to support and affirm their trans teen at home, school, and church.
Loving Scripture, Theology & Our LGBTQ Community - Bridget Eileen Rivera
30 January 2022 | 45 mins 15 secs
We’re honored to learn from Bridget Eileen Rivera about her journey growing up in a Reformed Baptist church, coming out, and ways the church can better love and care for LGBTQ+ Christians.
Early Christian History: Councils & Creeds Shaping Christian Thought - Dr. Jennifer Woodruff Tait
19 November 2021 | 55 mins 8 secs
Dr. Jennifer Woodruff Tait shares insights on some of the key historic moments and creeds that shaped Christian thinking. She also talks about some of the key points that led to the spread of Christianity.
Studying the Old Testament & Dealing with Difficult Scriptures - Dr. John Goldingay
12 November 2021 | 28 mins 11 secs
Creation Stories: How Ancient Cultures Explained Humanity's Origin Story - Dr. Anthony Aveni
21 June 2021 | 38 mins 6 secs
Rediscovering Jonah: Academic & Theological Approaches to Understanding the Defiant Prophet - Dr. Amy Erickson
12 June 2021 | 1 hr 1 min
In today’s podcast, Dr. Amy Erickson talks about Christian and Jewish understandings of Jonah, why Jonah has been viewed as both the villain in the story and a type of Christ, she discusses why Jonah has a theological problem with God, she provides insights into Islamic interpretations of Jonah’s prophecy that Nineveh would be overthrown, and gives fascinating insights on how to understand the odd ending of the story. The episode ends with her personal takeaways on Jonah and advice on how to study this complicated and exciting story.